Sygnal Site Engine ( SSE )

Structure, reuse, improve and protect your Webflow site code.

Sygnal Site Engine ( SSE ) is a framework for client-side script development in Webflow-hosted sites. It combines a range of best-practices and modern technologies to create an ideal development environment for Webflow.

We focus on using...

  • A modern development IDE, e.g. VS Code

  • Modern languages like TypeScript and SASS

  • Structured development practices... multiple classes and files to organize your code

  • A source code repository to protect your code and history

  • A clean, efficient deployment pipeline for your code changes

  • Clean, centralized code deployment packaging for integration into your Webflow site

Core Technologies Used

SSE's architecture is highly flexible, but this is our typical configuration;

  • TypeScript for structured, modern code development with type-safety. Makes code far more manageable, more reusable, better bug-proofing, and offers better testing.

  • SASS for modern structured CSS development which support robust commenting

  • GitHub for full source control management ( SCM ), ensures your code is safe, and that you have a full history of changes.

  • Jest for full unit-testing support

  • VSCode as a full modern IDE for development

  • Netlify for the production code-delivery CDN.

  • Sygnal DevProxy for full DEV/TEST and PROD environments. Allows your developers, team, and clients to fully test new features before they are public.

Key Benefits

This setup gives us a ton of benefits;

  • Easy code management in your Webflow site. There is no code editing anywhere, on any pages through the Webflow designer. Everything is done directly in VS code.

  • Monorepo for code safety- there is no risk of breaking your site or deleting important pieces, everything is safe in GitHub and you can revert any time.

  • Solid versioning, tracking, and production deployment controls.

  • Realtime development. Change, save, refresh, you're looking at live code against your current Webflow staged site.

  • Persistent testing. Check in code anytime, and your client and testing team can review the latest changes immediately on e.g. or whatever URL or subdomain you choose.

  • Easy access to add-on libraries, like Luxon for dates, cookie.js for cookie management, or GSAP for animation.

  • CI/CD setup for easy, live deployment support. There is no need to change code or URLs in Webflow, you can deploy your code updates to your production site through a simple GitHub pull request.

Video Tour

Here's a quick video overview of how SSE benefits our team and projects.

Last updated