Component Development
Code your components!
In SSE we describe a functional UI piece as a "component." It is not necessarily the same thing as a component in Webflow terms, but it can be, and it often makes sense to build it this way for mobility.
What is a component?
Any piece of UI that is self-contained, and likely to be reused across pages.
Attach code directly to your component, rather than do your page
Automatically determine where your component is use, and load the code only when it is needed
Provide the same support for setup() and exec() that pages have
Support component isolation, so that multiple instances do not complicate code
Usage Notes
Wrap your component in a div
Assign it a custom attribute of sse-component
= ( name )
It will be identified by SSE and then initialized
Auto infer the class to run based on the component name?
Last updated