Component Development

Code your components!

In SSE we describe a functional UI piece as a "component." It is not necessarily the same thing as a component in Webflow terms, but it can be, and it often makes sense to build it this way for mobility.

What is a component?

Any piece of UI that is self-contained, and likely to be reused across pages.


  • Attach code directly to your component, rather than do your page

  • Automatically determine where your component is use, and load the code only when it is needed

  • Provide the same support for setup() and exec() that pages have

  • Support component isolation, so that multiple instances do not complicate code

Usage Notes

Wrap your component in a div

Assign it a custom attribute of sse-component = ( name )

It will be identified by SSE and then initialized


Auto infer the class to run based on the component name?

Last updated