What is Devproxy?

Sygnal Devproxy is part of our development infrastructure. Its basic function is to make it very easy for the development and testing teams to run working code against a live Webflow-hosted site.

In brief what Devproxy does is to provide special access points to your site, such as dev.mysite.com and test.mysite.com, that your team can use. When accessing these special versions;

  • You can access the full site as normal.

  • Content generally is sourced from your webflow.io staged site.

  • Specific code, in particular Sygnal Site Engine, is swapped to use either a DEV or TEST version of the code.

This allows you and your clients to fully test code before bringing it live.

Development Setup

Typically Sygnal's team uses this setup;

  • All coding is done in TypeScript and SASS, using Sygnal Site Engine as a template and infrastructure

  • All code is stored in a Github repo

    • Repo is generally public, but can be private with paid Netlify ( see below )

    • With 2 or 3 branches, e.g. dev test and main which is production.

  • We typically use Github codespaces

  • No Github actions needed

  • Two sites are setup in Netlify, one for TEST, one for PROD.

    • Both are linked to the repo, to their respective branches

    • Both are setup to auto-update as new commits happen to those branches, making the process hands-free

      • TS compiling is automatic


A general simplified ( small team ) workflow looks like this.


  • Developers do programming on their local systems, with the JS and CSS code served from localhost.

  • They push and pull from the dev branch in the Github repo.

  • While developing they can make changes to the site and publish to webflow.io staging ( only ).

  • To see the code and site changes in realtime, they view the site at dev.mysite.com. Devproxy combines the localhost-served code into the staged site HTML and you have a full site experience.


In a large-team Devproxy configuration;

  • When the developers are ready to show changes to the client or testing team, they can then merge the Github dev branch into test

    • This test commit automatically gets picked up by Netlify, and published to the TEST code server

  • This automatically recompiles the Typescript

  • Clients and testing team then test the site fully

    • The underlying HTML and CSS are typically sources from webflow.io, so that design changes coordinate with code changes

For the small-team Devproxy configuration, all commits to the dev branch are


In general;

  • DEVs push and pull to the dev branch

  • When an RC is ready, the team lead merges the dev branch into test

    • This test commit automatically gets picked up by Netlify, and published to the TEST code server

  • Testing team evaluates it using test.mysite.com

  • When a release is confirmed, the release manager merges the test branch into main

    • This main commit automatically gets picked up by Netlify, and published to the PROD code server

    • At the same time, any changes in Webflow would also be published so that the new HTML/CSS design changes are synchronized with the PROD code release


Does Devproxy only work with Webflow-hosted sites?

No, you could export your site elsewhere.

Does Devproxy require the webflow.io staging site be published?

Yes. Most common Devproxy configurations are based on the webflow.io site, so that you can coordinate page design changes with code changes.

Does Devproxy only work with Webflow?

No, Devproxy could work with any website, but its design is specifically intended to address limitations of developing with Webflow, and to work with Webflow's specific HTML generation.

Can Devproxy sites be indexed in Google?

Devproxy always includes a site-wide robots.txt disallow rule to ensure that your DEV and TEST sites to not get indexed by search engines.

Last updated