Webflow Site Configuration

Sygnal DevProxy works by swapping out <script> and <link> source references at the reverse-proxy level.

Code Constructions ( CCs )

We specify the setup we want using code constructions ( CCs ).

Here is a typical CSS link and script reference that you might have in your Webflow site. It happens to be for Sygnal's new SA5 Modals feature.

<!-- Sygnal Attributes 5 | Modals --> 
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/sygnaltech/webflow-util@5.4.1/dist/css/webflow-modal.css">
<script defer src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/sygnaltech/webflow-util@5.4.1/dist/nocode/webflow-modal.js"></script>

When we want to support DEV, TEST and PROD mode distinctions here, we adjust these to code constructions that look like this;

<!-- Sygnal Attributes 5 | Modals --> 
<link rel="stylesheet" 
<script defer 

Note the differences;

  • There are now additional attributes named dev-src and dev-href.

  • And attributes named test-src and test-href.

The line breaks and indents shown here are not necessary, but they make the CC easier to read and adjust.

How DevProxy Works

Generally speaking, DevProxy is setup to be in one of three modes;

  • DEV mode, in which source code is running on the developer's local machine or development server.

  • TEST mode, in which source code is running from a test server.

  • PROD mode, in which source code is running as usual from the production environment.

When DevProxy is in DEV mode;

  • It will look for <link> elements that have a dev-href attribute. When found, it will overwrite the href attribute with the value from the dev-href one.

  • It will look for <script> elements that have a dev-src attribute. When found, it will overwrite the src attribute with the value from the dev-src one.

The same process occurs when DevProxy is in TEST mode, but using the test- prefixed attriutes.

In PROD mode, DevProxy does nothing, and leaves the attributes untouched.

We typically use dev- and test-, but in fact DevProxy can have any number of different modes you want, if you have a use case for it.

DevProxy Groups

CC's can also be grouped into control sets, using another attribute, dpx-group.

Early incarnations of DevProxy had a global on/off state, but we found that wasn't practical for more complex sites. In some cases we might need some CC's to be in a PROD state while others are in DEV and still others in TEST.

A common example is when we are using both SSE and Sygnal Attributes 5 ( SA5 ) together in the same site, both with DevProxy CC's. In those cases, a global switch didn't work.

This is the purpose of groups.

When a CC contains the dpx-group attribute, DevProxy adds the ability to set the DevProxy state at the group level.

Let's suppose your page has various DevProxy CC's on it, some which have group group1, some which have group2 and some which lack the dpx-group attribute and therefore have no group.

DevProxy configuration will recognize 3 different settings, for a total of 9 possible configurations.

  • group1 elements can be in DEV, TEST, or PROD mode.

  • group2 elements can be in DEV, TEST, or PROD mode.

  • All other elements can be in DEV, TEST, or PROD mode.

This makes it easy to isolate your development and testing to different parts of your infrastructure.

Here a real-world example where we use this;

These CC's have a group of sa5.

<!-- Sygnal Attributes 5 | Modals --> 
<link rel="stylesheet" 
<script defer 

While this one has a group of sse.

<!-- Site Engine (SSE) -->

In this way, we can develop just one part in isolation, or both concurrently.

Last updated